Scottish Independence: The View from America
September 27, 2013 The Scottish-American community is estimated to number approximately 30 million people, or roughly one-tenth of the nation’s populace. To what degree those self-identified Scottish-Americans are ethnically Scottish and to what extent they are aware of the contemporary reality of their ancestral homeland would be subject to a great deal of debate, but from personal experience, I would think that the answer would be “not much” on both accounts. read more IRSN Arbroath Commemoration StatementThe comrades of the IRSN wish to express our solidarity with our comrades in the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement and the whole of the Scottish working class as you honour the Declaration of Arbroath. It causes one to wonder, when it is recognized that the Declaration commemorated today was first issued in the year 1320, because it expresses sentiments which are surprisingly modern....
read more IRSN to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Irish Citizen Army at San Francisco St. Patrick's Day ParadeComrades and friends, socialists, communists, syndicalists, anarchists, Irish republicans, Pan-Africanists, and other working class and anti-imperialist activists, the comrades of the International Republican Socialist Network will once again be participating in the San Francisco St. Patrick's Day Parade and invite you to join us in solidarity.
Read more Solidarity Statement to Annual SRSM Glencoe Rally10 Feb 2013
The comrades of the International Republican Socialist Network take this opportunity to convey our greetings of solidarity to the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement and the Scottish working class in its struggle for national liberation and socialism. read more Remembered Always With Honour and Pride: Gino Gallagher30 January 2013
1996, 17 years ago today, Gino Gallagher was murdered by a petty criminal scumbag, under the direction of a small group of expelled INLA volunteers, who sold their souls to their imperial masters to avoid going back to jail, after botching an arms smuggling operation. read more Twenty-Six Years Since the Death of Ta Power20 Jan 2013
Today is the 22nd anniversary of a killing the signalled the onset of a war that nearly destroyed the Irish Republican Socialist Movement..... read more Remembering Seamus CostelloIt has been 35 years since Seamus Costello was gunned down by a member of the Official Irish Republican Army, thereby robbing the Irish working class of their most effective, gifted, and charismatic leader then living. 35 years is a long time; it is long enough for Seamus to have died anyway from natural causes; it is time for political views to change and passions to rise and fall. For those reasons, I have no desire to play the "what if" game. Had Seamus survived, he might have led Irish workers to victory; he might have decided in the '80s that the Provos were sufficiently left that the IRSM could safely join forces with them; he might have maintained the IRSM's independence, built its membership and continued the INLA as an active force in the struggle against partition, British imperialism, and domestic capitalism; or he might have been murdered by the SAS, the Provos, or Hugh Torney. read more Remembering John MacLeanIt is appropriate today, with the possibility of Scottish independence with sight and the working class of Scotland again confronted by the misery with which the system of capitalism fills their lives, but it is not sufficient to pay tribute to the man; it is important to pay attention to him as well. MacLean may easily lend himself as a symbol, an icon, to the contemporary struggle, but he has wisdom to lend to it as well and the Scottish working class would do well to make use of it.
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- IRSN Arbroath Commemoration Statement
- IRSN to Commemorate 100th Anniversary of the Irish Citizen Army
- IRSN Solidarity Statement to Annual SRSM Glencoe Rally
- Remembered Always With Honour and Pride: Gino Gallagher
- Twenty-Six Years Since the Death of Ta Power
- International Republican Socialism – 2013
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- Solidarity to our Sisters and Brothers in Kenya on African Liberation Day
- IRSN Solidarity Statement to the May 8th John MacLean Rally
- Defend Libya as it Confronts the Plots of the Imperialists
- San Francisco St. Patrick's Day 2011 Parade Anti-Imperialist Contingent
- Solidarity with the Working People of North African and the Arab Nation
- IRSN Statement to the SRSM Ard Fheis
- Commemoration of Scottish Revolutionary John MacLean
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- Burns Night Statement 2009
- St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Francisco
- Reflections on the Current Economic Crisis
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- African Liberation Day Solidarity
- Free The Cork 5
- McIlroy for Congress
- YOUTUBE: Candidate Mary McIlroy of the IRSN
- Solidarity with the Libyan Revolution
- Sponsor an IRSPoW
- Solidarity Message for the Commemoration of the Century Anniversary
- Solidarity with the Puerto Rican Struggle for National Liberation and Socialism
- Update: IRSN Comrade on Peace & Freedom Ticket
- IRSN Anti-War Action
- IRSM Gives Up Armed Struggle
- May Charles Made Her Transition to join the Ancestors
- IRSN MacLean Commemoration Statement
- statements 2008>
- Burn’s Night Social
- George Habash Remembered
- Reform or Revolution? The Answer Remains Unchanged.
- Preparing for the Iron Heel
- Final Salute to Brendan Hughes and a Republican Socialist Martyr Remembered
- Irish Republican Socialist Arrests
- Statement in Support of the Interned IRSM Members
- Cork Five RSPOWs Defended in San Francisco St. Patrick's Day Parade
- Pacific Northwest Actions
- May Day 2008
- IRSN Join March Demanding Open Borders in May Day Demonstrations
- IRSN Comrade Guest Speaker at Sacramento Community College
- IRSN Recognized for Linen Hall Library Support
- IRSN Message to African Liberation Day Celebration in London
- Christopher 'Crip" McWilliams Near Death
- Reflections Without Borders - Who We Are
- Demanding Choices, Not Options
- Release of Breton Comrades Hailed
- Solidarity Message for Annual MacLean Rally
- Salute Thirty-four Years of Republican Socialist Struggle
- Long Live the PFLP After 41 Years of Struggle
- Arrests of Alledged INLA Mambers
- Fallen Martyrs of Irish Republican Socialist Struggle Honoured
- Statements 2013>
- Documents
- I have come to preach revolution
- The Ta Power Document Scandal
- Remembering the Founding of the IRSCNA
- Revolutionary Political Action
- Lessons from 40 Years of War
- Armed Struggle and the Fight for a Scottish Workers’ Republic
- Formation of IRSN
- Workers Republic
- The Republican Socialist Tradition and the Pursuit of Armed Struggle
- Reclaiming Marxism for the Working Class, Historical Materialism
- Drugs and the Revolutionary
- Revolutionary Political Education in a time of ‘Peace’:
- New Quebecois Left Party
- Editorial 1
- CYMRU: republican socialist re-groupment in wales
- MANNIN: A Look Back On Manx Republican Socialism
- BREIZH: Emgann Leads Breton Republican Socialist Struggle
- ALBA: The RCN, Crown Powers and an Anti-Imperialist Agenda
- ALBA: RCN Statement on the Split in the Scottish Socialist Party
- PUERTO RICO: Socialism & the National Vindication of Puerto Rico
- IRELAND: Irish republican socialism stumbles on its way
- CATALUNYA: A rich revolutionary heritage
- EUZKADI HERRIA: New Hope Found Amidst Recent Errors
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- Connolly: A Biography
- James Connolly and the IWW
- James Connolly and Working Class Culture
- JC: To Irish Wage Workers
- JC: Old Wine In New Bottles
- JC: We Only Want the Earth
- James Connollys Contribution to International Socialism
- Editorial CF 2
- JC: Physical Force in Irish Politics
- James Connolly: An Appreciation
- JC: What Is A Free Nation?
- Connolly’s Strategy for the Easter Rising: Should the Irish Working Class Have Stood Alone?
- JC: What Is Our Programme?
- The Irish Citizen Army After 1916
- JC: We Will Rise Again
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